On 24/10/2012 14:26, Kevin Holleran wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 9:11 AM, Tim Golden <m...@timgolden.me.uk
>     Ok, try specifying the parameter names. (I remember someone having
>     problems before caused by mismatched param order):
> OK, tried that as well as specifying the parameters directly instead of
> through variables, with the same result....  I even looked back through
> my old scripts but I have not used the WMI module in this way... only to
> do WMI queries...

Couple of things:

Does the same thing happen if you run against your own machine?

What's the result of the code below (which is basically "raw" WMI,
without the wmi module):

import _winreg as winreg

import win32com.client

NICs =

registry = win32com.client.GetObject("winmgmts:/root/default:StdRegProv")
EnumKey = registry.Methods_("EnumKey")
params = EnumKey.InParameters.SpawnInstance_()
params.Properties_.Item("hDefKey").Value = HKLM
params.Properties_.Item("sSubKeyName").Value = NICs

OutParameters = registry.ExecMethod_("EnumKey", params)
print OutParameters.Properties_.Item("ReturnValue")
print OutParameters.Properties_.Item("sNames")




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