On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 9:01 PM, satyam <dirac....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a text file like this
> A1980JE39300007 2732 4195 12.527000
> A1980JE39300007 3465 9720 22.000000
> A1980JE39300007 1853 3278 12.500000
> A1980JE39300007 2732 2732 187.500000
> A1980JE39300007 19 4688 3.619000
> A1980KK18700010 30 186 1.285000
> A1980KK18700010 30 185 4.395000
> A1980KK18700010 185 186 9.000000
> A1980KK18700010 25 30 3.493000
> I want to split the file and get multiple files like A1980JE39300007.txt and 
> A1980KK18700010.txt, where each file will contain column2, 3 and 4.

Unless your source file is very large this should be sufficient:

$ cat source
A1980JE39300007 2732 4195 12.527000
A1980JE39300007 3465 9720 22.000000
A1980JE39300007 1853 3278 12.500000
A1980JE39300007 2732 2732 187.500000
A1980JE39300007 19 4688 3.619000
A1980JE39300007 2995 9720 6.667000
A1980JE39300007 1603 9720 30.000000
A1980JE39300007 234 4195 42.416000
A1980JE39300007 2732 9720 18.000000
A1980KK18700010 130 303 4.985000
A1980KK18700010 7 4915 0.435000
A1980KK18700010 25 1620 1.722000
A1980KK18700010 25 186 0.654000
A1980KK18700010 50 130 3.199000
A1980KK18700010 186 3366 4.780000
A1980KK18700010 30 186 1.285000
A1980KK18700010 30 185 4.395000
A1980KK18700010 185 186 9.000000
A1980KK18700010 25 30 3.493000

$ python3
Python 3.2.3 (default, Sep 10 2012, 18:14:40)
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> for line in open("source"):
...     file_name, remainder = line.strip().split(None, 1)
...     with open(file_name + ".txt", "a") as writer:
...         print(remainder, file=writer)

$ ls *txt
A1980JE39300007.txt  A1980KK18700010.txt

$ cat A1980JE39300007.txt
2732 4195 12.527000
3465 9720 22.000000
1853 3278 12.500000
2732 2732 187.500000
19 4688 3.619000
2995 9720 6.667000
1603 9720 30.000000
234 4195 42.416000
2732 9720 18.000000

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