Dear pythonists, I'm having a problem with read/write binary in python. I have a binary file that I need to read information, extract a array, modify this array and put these values into file again in same binary format. I need to use unpack_from and pack_into because sometimes gonna need read/write in the middle of file.
Script: import struct bloco='>%df' %(252) #Binary format # READ fa=open('testIN.bin') my_array=struct.unpack_from(bloco,[0*4:251*4]) # my_aray = 252 elements array ## This read is OK! #WRITE fb=open('testOUT.bin') test=struct.pack_into(bloco,fb.write()[0*4:251*4]) # ERROR in this WRITE Regards, Ronaldo Palmeira. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at --