In article <>,
 Mark Lawrence <> wrote:
> I read some 20 Python mailing lists through Gmane using Thunderbird on 
> Windows but nothing new has arrived for almost 24 hours, hence why I've 
> reluctantly resorted to Google groups to try and find out what is going on.  
> Looking directly at shows the 
> last post was the Steven D'Aprano thread titled "Emulating C++ namespaces 
> with ChainMap and metaclass trickery" on 3 Oct at 20:26.
> I've tried flagging this up but obviously with no success.  Anyone any ideas 
> on how to sort this out?

There were problems on one of the gmane servers.  The problem was fixed 
as of about three hours ago and things should be returning to normal.

 Ned Deily,


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