On 1 October 2012 09:19, Mark Lawrence <breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> On 01/10/2012 01:58, 88888 Dihedral wrote:
>> Your question seems vague to me. If you know you are storing
>> only immutable tuples in a list, then the way to iterate is simple.
> Does Python have a magic method that let's me use mutable tuples?  I'd
> also like immutable lists.  Is it worth raising a feature request on the
> bug tracker?

Whilst your question is valid, 88888 Dihedral is a bot.

[Lazy] Answers to your questions: no and no.

Python's tuples are immutable, except from C. They are made this way so
program with that in mind, I guess.

That said, an immutable list *is* a tuple and vice-versa, effectively.

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