On Sep 28, 10:21 am, Dwight Hutto <dwightdhu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 1:12 AM, Littlefield, Tyler <ty...@tysdomain.com> 
> wrote:
> > On 9/27/2012 10:50 PM, Dwight Hutto wrote:
> >> On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 12:40 AM, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 1:47 PM, Dwight Hutto <dwightdhu...@gmail.com>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>> [ lots of screed that demonstrates that Dwight hasn't grokked the hacker
> >>>> culture ]
> >> Don't hack, but could very well if necessary.
> > You couldn't hack your self out of a wet paper bag, and you're fooling
> > noone.
> Yeah I could.
>  Sorry... buddy. You should go away now;
> So you can dominate with a lame ass attempt to approach my responses
> with a manipulative tactic to discredit me, including such hits as
> racism, and sexism?
> You asked who is laughing at
> > you the other day, and at that point you had the ability to salvage (or at
> > least attempt to salvage) your reputation with a few people.
> Nobody, they're laughing at your failed attempt to discredit me in a
> on thread response in which I was a respondent.
> Please don't disguise your foolishnish with lies.
>  You've pretty
> > much blown that away at this point, so a belated answer to your question is
> > everyone.
> You mean I went to sleep, woke up and responded? Nice attempt, but you
> can set a random seed of mine up your ass.
> >>> Dwight, have a read of these documents. They may help you to
> >>> understand how the python-list community operates, and perhaps more
> >>> so, why most of the regulars here think the way they do.
> >> They have double digit I.Q.'s ?
> >> Actually,
> >>> this may be of interest to quite a few people, so I'll post it
> >>> on-list.
> >> Go right ahead....buddy.
> >>>http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/
> >>> ChrisA
> >>> --
> >>>http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
> > --
> > Take care,
> > Ty
> >http://tds-solutions.net
> > The aspen project: a barebones light-weight mud engine:
> >http://code.google.com/p/aspenmud
> > He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that
> > dares not reason is a slave.

Some facts that are well-known enough but somehow seem relevant to
this discussion.
Technology is called a great enabler -- A little less gushingly its a
great multiplier.
When we look a little impartially at it we see that as technology
increases in scope/power the corresponding human involvement gets more
and more passive.

Coming to the specific technology-stack -- mailing-lists atop the
internet -- we see the following:
When I hit the send button Ive no idea who will read what I send.
Likewise what I end up reading may not be something I specifically
wish to read.

Specifically, Ive no idea what is the size of the python-list
readership -- surely in hundreds, more likely thousands.

So when I feel like making a response to one or two people which has
more heat than (python-related) light, it would help to consider the
thousand(s) who will read it who are not involved/interested in the

A more physical analogy: Lets say I am driving along happily on the
freeway and someone does something to me that generates severe
justifiable road-rage. So I stop the car, get down and do my schtick
-- shout, shoot, mow-him-down, whatever -- and in the process create a
jam of a hundred vehicles all around.  However justifiable my rage, I
would be lucky to get anyone's support!

A more personal point. I find that anger is usually a thin cover for
depression. And depression inversely correlates with amount of
sunshine I see.  So before hitting the send button, it may be a good
idea to sleep over and see if the rising sun changes my mood.

Coming to threads like this one:
We've seen an old member of this list scolded for stretching the
drinking jokes a bit too far.
And another old member who posted a youtube link which had nothing to
do with python even though the subject said 'OT'

So… Staying withing python-related discussions and using courteous
language is the general rule for all. If you follow that you should be

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