On 09/25/2012 01:38 AM, alex23 wrote:
On Sep 25, 6:04 am, Gelonida N <gelon...@gmail.com> wrote:
This all does not sound very comforting. Why is there no fix on the
official site?
Has a bug been logged about the issue?
The Plone community keeps a fairly up-to-date fork called Pillow,
we've had a lot of success using that locally:
Thanks for all your answers.
So it seems to be safe to use either Christoph' binary PIL distribution
or to use Pillow.
The fact, that pillow is accessable via PyPi / easy_install / PIP pushes
me slightly towards pillow.
I assume it's best to uninstall PIL before installing pillow.
How much would I confuse easy_install / pip in a normal windows
non virutal environment if I didn't uninstall PIP before (or even worse
if I installed PIL, then pillow and uninstalled then PIL)
(Just anticipating all the smart thigns, that my collegues (or myself)
might do
On a Linux machine:
What would happen in a virtualenv with sitepackages (amonst them PIL
installed and a pillow installed ontop of it?
I don't think I can uninstall PIL, as many distro packages depend on it.
I don't want to create a virtualenv without site packages, as I have
many dependencies and some of them are a little tricky to compile.