On 2012-09-24, JBT <jianbao....@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am looking for a way to pass numeric arrays, such as *float a[100];
> double b[200];*, from C extension codes to python. The use case of
> this problem is that you have data stored in a particular format,
> NASA common data format (CDF) in my case, and there exists an
> official C library to read/create/edit such data, and you want to do
> data analysis in python. The problem comes down to how to feed the
> data into python.

In a addition to scipy and scientific python (two different projects),
you should probably take a look at the struct module and the ctypes

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Life is a POPULARITY
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                              gmail.com            CANDID!!

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