If we take a look at web application we can split it into at least two parts, 
one that renders things out and the other one that does data extraction, e.g. 
from database (this is what you are pointing at).

If you made a first call to database you get your list and can easily cache it. 
The next call IS without impact that database call may cause... but you still 
keep serving pages out...



From: r...@panix.com
Subject: Re: Fastest web framework
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2012 10:02:28 -0400
To: python-list@python.org

In article <mailman.1110.1348392023.27098.python-l...@python.org>,
Andriy Kornatskyy <andriy.kornats...@live.com> wrote:

> I have run recently a benchmark of a trivial 'hello world' application for
> various python web frameworks (bottle, django, flask, pyramid, web.py,
> wheezy.web) hosted in uWSGI/cpython2.7 and gunicorn/pypy1.9... you might find
> it interesting:
> http://mindref.blogspot.com/2012/09/python-fastest-web-framework.html
> Comments or suggestions are welcome.

That's a nice comparison, thanks for posting it.

One thing that's worth pointing out, however, is that in a real world
application, as long as you're using something halfway decent, the speed
of the framework is probably not going to matter at all. It's much more
likely that database throughput will be the dominating factor.


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