Jason Friedman <ja...@powerpull.net> wrote:

>> I'm converting windows bat files little by little to Python 3 as I
>> find time and learn Python.
>> The most efficient method for some lines is to call Python like:
>> python -c "import sys; sys.exit(3)"
>> How do I "indent" if I have something like:
>> if (sR=='Cope'): sys.exit(1) elif (sR=='Perform') sys.exit(2) else
>> sys.exit(3)
> Some months ago I posted what I think is a similar question in the
> Unix world:  I wanted to call a small portion of Python from within a
> Bash script.
> Someone on this list answered (for Bash):
> #!/bin/bash
> command1
> command2
> python -c "if True:
>     import module
>     if condition:
>         do_this
>     else:
>         do_that
> "
> command4
> # end code
> Perhaps something similar would work for a .bat file.
Provided there's only one Python block in the .bat or .cmd file then 
there's no real problem; you just have to hide each language from the 

goto :start
@echo off
echo This is a CMD script
python -x %~f0 "%1"
echo Back in the CMD script
goto :eof
import sys
print("Welcome to Python")
print("Arguments were {}".format(sys.argv))

You can put the Python code either before or after the triple-quote 
string containing the CMD commands, just begin the file with a goto to 
skip into the batch commands and end them by jumping to eof.

Duncan Booth http://kupuguy.blogspot.com

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