On 09/15/2012 10:23 AM, Νικόλαος Κούρας wrote:
I swicthed back my code to: f = open( '../' + page )
and http://superhost.gr works which means that line gets parsed correctly.
Only when i post data to the text area boxes iam getting the error:
cannot concatenate 'str' and 'list' objects
how is this possible to work before and NOT work when i enter data to the page
for storing to the database?
You really need to add some print-type diagnostics to your script
temporarily, just to see what you are actually getting for parameters.
For example, put this:
print "Content-type: text/plain\n"
near the top so you can get a source printout, then add
print `page`
just before you attempt your open() call so you can see what the exact
Python representation of page is. Do similarly for other problems in
your code. Don't leave such an "instrumented" copy of your CGI script on
your site for very long and you should be safe.
Also, consider using the built-in cgi traceback feature in your scripts,
at least while you are debugging them (though you probably want to
remove the traceback after you are "in production").
-- Chris.