On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Mark Lawrence <breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> On 13/09/2012 21:34, Joshua Landau wrote:
>> On 13 September 2012 20:53, Mark Lawrence <breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> 
>> wrote:acci sequence
>>> On 13/09/2012 19:39, Prasad, Ramit wrote:
>>>> Dwight Hutto wrote:
>>>>> Why don' you just time it,eit lops through incrementing thmax input/
>>>> What? Without context I have no idea what this means.
>>>   You're wasting your time, I've been described as a jackass for having
>>> the
>>> audacity to ask for context :)
>> I'm pretty sure you are in the wrong, acting as if what he said didn't
>> make
>> sense! Just read it, he obviously was telling you to time it, as eit lops
>> are inside thmax input/ which, as you should know if you *bothered to read
>> the thread*, is incrementing.
>> "don'" is short for "don't", by the way.
> I do grovellingly apologize for my appalling breach of netiquette.  I am of
> course assuming that the rules have changed and that it's now my
> responsibility to wade back through maybe a couple of hundred responses on a
> long thread to find the context.
  I also guess that I'm never going to
> achieve my ambition of being a pot smoking hippy CEO of a web development
> company :(

> --
> Cheers.
Cheers usually implies you're an alcoholic pressing buttons, with the
half of rest of the coders on the net.

So don't give up hope, you might be able to take a medication that
doesn't impair your judgement with the side effects alcohol has,

And of course leaves you without the ability to read any of the
responses to say you were right in certain instances, so something
must be wrong with your mail reader, or your alcoholic mind.

Also, without reading the other posts, you're probably just placing in
a duplicate answer sometimes, which might make you seem like a copy

Best Regards,
David Hutto
CEO: http://www.hitwebdevelopment.com

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