Hi, Marco,
> Thank you so much! This is what I exactly want. But I am a little
> concerned about its steep learning curve. Is it really hard to learn
> pythonOCC? Averagely, how long does it take to begin to program some
> practical code? Do you have any good advice for me to learn it? I deeply
> appreciate your kind help!!
> Best regards,
> Jayden
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Hey Jayden,

You gotta learn to use the google searches buddy, although sometimes a good
conversation can help:

I found this under search term 'pythonOCC example code'


and a converted pdf manual from quickview. You can download the pdf by
typing in the above search term, and going straight to the main link:


Best Regards,
David Hutto
*CEO:* *http://www.hitwebdevelopment.com*

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