Attachment: c.c
Description: Binary data

Op 10 Sep 2012, om 22:53 heeft William R. Wing (Bill Wing) het volgende 

> On Sep 10, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Bob Aalsma <> wrote:
>> Well, Bill, better late than never - thanks for stepping in.
>> You are right, my problems are not yet solved ;)
> As Hans pointed out, you are looking for python, not Python (the frameworks 
> are named Python, the executable is python).  Sorry about that.
> To eliminate the output from TimeMachine (assuming it is using an external 
> drive or a TimeCapsule), add one more option to the find command:
> $ sudo find -x / -name python -print  (or follow his directions for piping to 
> a file).
> The -x option prevents find from descending into a volume with a different 
> device number from the one you started on.
> -Bill


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