shaun wrote:

>  I have a class which I create an object from in a different script but 
when its run I get an error at the last part of this method:

> def databasebatchcall(self,tid, bid):
>         con=cx_Oracle.connect(
>         'user/')
>         cur = con.cursor()
>         cur.execute("SELECT * FROM name)
>         results = cur.fetchall()

This is not your real code. The above would give you a SyntaxError in the 

>         cur.execute("SELECT * FROM name)

> From this last line I get the following error which I don't understand I'm 
very new to python and have no idea about this any help would be appreciated

> File "/home/dcroke/", line 21, in fetchbatchdata
>     results = cur.fetchall()
> NameError: global name 'cur' is not defined

The offending line may not be indented correctly:

    def databasebatchcall(...):
        cur = con.cursor()
    results = cur.fetchall()

This may be obscured by mixing tabs and spaces. However, without the actual 
code this is nothing but a guess.


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