I developed for my former employee a thin client whose primary purpose
was AS400 connectivity.  This required a fairly complex interactive
gui configuration which I wrote in Python.
This system could also be configed by a remote manager. Wrote
that also in python using UDP sockets.
The hardware was 64Mb memory and 64Mb compact flash.

OS wa 2.4.20 linux from Debian

I did a lot of cleanup removing unneeded modules but
other than that, standard Python 2.3.4
worked great.

Dennis Clark wrote:

> Hi all,
>   I've looked through the threads about embedded Python that are a year
> and a half old, and I thought that I'd ask this question now to see if
> anything has changed.
>   Has anyone, or is anyone working with Python in an embedded Linux 
> environment?  Mine is NO where near as constrained as a cell phone since
> I've got plenty of memory to work with, I'm just running a Linux 2.4 kernel
> on an ARM9 platform.
>   Are there success stories for Python on embedded Linux systems today?
> The embedded Java JVM's seem to all be propriatary and have quite high
> license fees (don't mention Kaffe, it seems pretty fragile to me.)
>   I'm a bit of a newb when it comes to Python, is there anyone with experience
> compiling it on Linux platforms that can offer me pointers to try this out
> myself?
> thanks,


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