On Monday, August 27, 2012 2:17:45 PM UTC-5, Ian wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 10:49 AM, Aaron Brady <castiro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The patch for the above is only 40-60 lines.  However it introduces two new 
> > concepts.
> Is there a link to the patch?

Please see below.  It grew somewhat during development.

> > The first is a "linked list".
> > The second is "uncounted references".  The uncounted references are 
> > references to "set iterators" exclusively, exist only internally to "set" 
> > objects, and are invisible to the rest of the program.  The reason for the 
> > exception is that iterators are unique in the Python Data Model; iterators 
> > consist of a single immutable reference, unlike both immutable types such 
> > as strings and numbers, as well as container types.  Counted references 
> > could be used instead, but would be consistently wasted work for the 
> > garbage collector, though the benefit to programmers' peace of mind could 
> > be significant.
> >
> > Please share your opinion!  Do you agree that the internal list resolves 
> > the inconsistency?  Do you agree with the strategy?  Do you agree that 
> > uncounted references are justified to introduce, or are counted references 
> > preferable?
> This feature is a hard sell as it is; I think that adding uncounted
> references into the mix is only going to make that worse.  May I
> suggest an alternate approach?  Internally tag each set or dict with a
> "version", which is just a C int.  Every time the hash table is
> modified, increment the version.  When an iterator is created, store
> the current version on the iterator.  When the iterator is advanced,
> check that the iterator version matches the dict/set version.  If
> they're not equal, raise an error.
> This should add less overhead than the linked list without any
> concerns about reference counting.  It does introduce a small bug in
> that an error condition could be "missed", if the version is
> incremented a multiple of 2**32 or 2**64 times between iterations --
> but how often is that really likely to occur?  Bearing in mind that
> this error is meant for debugging and not production error handling,
> you could even make the version a single byte and I'd still be fine
> with that.
> Cheers,
> Ian

Hi Ian,

We could use a Python long object for the version index to prevent overflow.  
Combined with P. Rubin's idea to count the number of open iterators, most use 
cases still wouldn't exceed a single word comparison; we could reset the 
counter when there weren't any.  Using the linked list collection, modification 
operations are expensive in rare cases.  Using the version index, iteration is 
expensive in rare cases.

I was more interested in the linked list for conceptual reasons, so I developed 
it further.  Changelog, diff file, test suite, and links are below.  The devs 
should be aware that a competing patch might be developed.  I would be pleased 
to hear what everybody thinks of it!

Linked list with uncounted references implementation for Win32.

- 'set_clear_ex' and 'set_clear_internal_ex' methods, differ in invalidation 
and conditional invalidation behavior and return type..  The 'set.clear()' 
method and 'tp_clear' type field both called the same method.
- 'set_invalidate_iter_linked' method.  Iterate over the iterators of a set, 
mark them invalid, and clear the list.
- 'setiter_unlink_internal' method.  Remove the iterator from the set's linked 
list of iterators.
- 'IterationError', global.
- New fields:
-- PySetObject: setiterobject *iter_linked.  Pointer to the first element of 
the linked list of the iterators of the set.
-- setiterobject: setiterobject *linked_pred, *linked_succ.  Predecessor and 
successor nodes in the linked list of iterators of the same set.
-- setiterobject: char ob_valid.  Validation status of the iterator.
- Result is compared with original in 'set_intersection_update' and '_multi' to 
determine whether to invalidate the list of iterators.  Asymptotic running time 
is unchanged.
- Pending: add 'tp_clear' field to 'PySetIter_Type'?
- Test script included, 'large numbers' test pending.

6 files changed: { setobject.h, setobject.c, exceptions.c, pyerrors.h, 
python3.def, python33stub.def }.  Test script 'set_iterator_test.py' new.  
Linked list interface and pseudocode 'patch_pseudocode.txt'.
Zip file:
Diff file of 3.3.0b2:


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