On 08/30/2012 08:50 AM, boltar2003@boltar.world wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Aug 2012 13:14:57 +0100
> MRAB <pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:
> <snip>
> If its a class , why is it when I create my own class I get a completely
> different output with print and type?
>>>> class foo(object):
> ..     def __init__(self):
> ..             pass
> .. 
>>>> f=foo()
>>>> print f
> <__main__.foo object at 0xb743956c>

You get that because you didn't provide a __str__() method in your
class.  As i said in my other message,   posix.stat_result  is providing
that capability for your debugging convenience.  There's no requirement
to provide it, but that's why the difference.

>>>> type(f)
> <class '__main__.foo'>

I haven't discovered why sometimes the type output shows type instead of
class.  There are other ways of defining classes, however, and perhaps
this is using one of them.  Still, it is a class, and stat() is
returning an instance of that class.




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