On Mon, 20 Jun 2005 06:36:42 GMT, Ron Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ron Adam wrote:
>> You might be able to use a dictionary of tuples.
>> call_obj = {(type_obj1,0):obj1a,
>>             (type_obj1,0):obj1b,
>>             (type_boj2,1):obj2a,
>>             (type_obj2,1):obj2b,
>>             etc... }
>> call_obj[(type_of_obj,order)]()
>> Regards, Ron
> This won't work like I was thinking it would.
> But to get back to your is there a ? operator question...
> Try this.
> def foo():
>     return "foo"
> def boo():
>     return "boo"
> print (foo, boo)[1>0]()    # prints "boo"
> print (foo, boo)[1<0]()    # prints "foo"
> Regards,
>     Ron

Another thought:

Often complicated conditional logic is a flag that we need to refactor.
An accounting package I built has an official list of approved vendors,
but allows users to provisionally add a new vendor, which is corrected

The bulk of this system only understands, "This document has-a vendor"
with a "vendor factory" that returns the appropriate type of vendor.

All of the logic specific to the specific subclass is internal to the
subclasses themselves.


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