On 29/08/2012 11:18, rikardhul...@gmail.com wrote:
I use logging.FileHandler (on windows) and I would like to be able to delete
the file while the process is running and have it create the file again on next
log event.
On windows (not tried linux) this is not possible because the file is locked by
the process, can I get it to close the file after each log event?
If not, would the correct thing to do be to write my own LogHandler with this
/ Rikard
I know little about the logging module but given that the FileHandler[1]
has a close method, can you simply call that, delete the file and reopen
where needed? Failing that I'd look at subclassing existing code and
not writing your own (Your wording implies to me that you're thinking of
writing something from scratch, my apologies should I be wrong on that).
[1] http://docs.python.org/dev/library/logging.handlers.html
Mark Lawrence.