On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 12:18 AM, Ned Deily <n...@acm.org> wrote:
> In article
> <CAAu18hducpKutb49s_8KXD-16GamACF+E0TT1+=h5rrh+j5...@mail.gmail.com>,
>  Nicholas Cole <nicholas.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It certainly does exist. Distutils will happily put packages into it,
>> but import won't find them.
> That's odd!  It works for me on 10.8 and it worked for me yesterday on
> 10.7 which I tested just after completing the python.org installer
> builds.  Perhaps there is some permission issue.  Or the path name isn't
> quite correct.  Or you have some PYTHON* environment variable set, like

I'm also on 10.8.

NPSC: nicholas$ set | grep PYTHON
NPSC: nicholas$

The only user configuration I've done is to create the following
configuration file:

NPSC:~ nicholas$ cat .pydistutils.cfg
install_lib = ~/Library/Python/$py_version_short/site-packages
install_scripts = ~/bin

I should say, this has been a problem for all of the python3.3 alpha
and beta releases, on previous releases of OS X.

I can't understand why it works on your setup, though, because I
haven't done anything at all (that I can think of) that ought of
affect it.  I wonder if the logic that adds the directory to sys.path
is being too clever for everyone's good?

Best wishes,


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