On 22/08/2012 20:45, lipska the kat wrote:
On 22/08/12 20:03, Evan Driscoll wrote:
On 08/22/2012 12:46 PM, lipska the kat wrote:
If you can show me a 'type' that cannot be assigned to
in the same scope then I would be most interested to know, I haven't
found one yet.
Second, this concept isn't *so* unfamiliar to you. If I give you the
following Java code:
void foo(Object o) { ... }
and ask what type 'o' is, there are kind of two answers. The first is
that 'o' is an 'Object'. But you can't make an Object -- that's an
abstract class. (IIRC. If it's not then just bear with me; you get the
idea. :-)) So from a strictly static type-theory point of view, 'foo' is
unusable because it takes a type which you can never create. But of
course that's not the case, because in actual Java 'o' has some dynamic
type which is a subclass of 'Object'.
Well I think this is where I'm struggling a bit.
looking at this method declaration I can see that the method takes an
argument of type Object (and just FYI class Object is not abstract and
you can do Object o = new Object()) and does not return a value.
I know that for the lifetime of this JVM, whatever o turns out to be it
will always be an Object. I can't assign a primitive to o as ints chars
floats etc are certainly not Objects. There are certain invariants that
give me a warm and comfortable feeling inside.
compare this to a function declaration in Python
def foo(self):
That's not actually a declaration but a definition. :-)
The function's body is bound to the name at runtime, so:
def double_it(x):
return x * 2
is not far from:
double_it = lambda x: x * 2
The only declarations are "global" and "nonlocal" (and the latter
exists only in recent versions of Python).