> In hindsight analysis, such language behavior forces the programer to
> fuse mathematical or algorithmic ideas with implementation details. A
> easy way to see this, is to ask yourself: how come in mathematics
> there's no such thing as "addresses/pointers/references".

Mathematics also has no notion of computational complexity - solving the 
  TSP for a million cities is a matter of a single term in math - but in 
the real world, you'll have time for a cup of coffee or two waiting for 
that - including the time it takes you to travel to the restaurant at 
the end of the universe to drink it there.

So even the more simple minded can see that math and programming aren't 
equivalent. But obviously that's too much to comprehend for you - as is 
everything regarding programming. How about stop using a computer, and 
stick to an abacus, a pencil and a piece of paper? A positive sideeffect 
would be that you wouldn't be able to post in NGs. But I somehow think 
you won't show us that courtesy.


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