On 08/17/2012 02:45 PM, wxjmfa...@gmail.com wrote:
> Le vendredi 17 août 2012 20:21:34 UTC+2, Jerry Hill a écrit :
>> <SNIP>
>> I don't understand what any of this has to do with Python.  Just
>> output your text in UTF-8 like any civilized person in the 21st
>> century, and none of that is a problem at all.  Python make that easy.
>>  It also makes it easy to interoperate with older encodings if you
>> have to.
> Sorry, you missed the point.
> My comment had nothing to do with the code source coding,
> the coding of a Python "string" in the code source or with
> the display of a Python3 <str>.
> I wrote about the *internal* Python "coding", the
> way Python keeps "strings" in memory. See PEP 393.
> jmf

The internal coding described in PEP 393 has nothing to do with latin-1
encoding.  So what IS your point?  Make it clearly, without all the
snide side-comments.




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