CGI's old stuff.  Sure it's easy to find doc about it - it's been around

I'd recommend either CherryPy or Bottle - because these are the two (that I
know of) that support Python 3 today.

Here's a nice comparison of Python REST frameworks:

I'm using CherryPy on Python 2.7 with the ruby-on-rails-like "Routes"

Bottle does sound pretty nice.

On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 9:52 PM, Smaran Harihar <>wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> I am trying to create a simple cgi-script to receive a Ajax
> call, manipulate the string received and send it back as JSON.
> Most of the people I have spoken to, seemed to be against using the cgi
> script, but most of the documentation and tutorials seem to point to cgi
> for AJAX calls. They said, it makes more sense to use django or bottle
> which are python web framework.
> So I am confused and wanted some guidance as to which should I chose?
> Should I go with cgi or django/bottle?
> --
> Thanks & Regards
> Smaran Harihar
> --

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