On 06/08/12 13:19, rusi wrote:
On Aug 6, 12:46 am, lipska the kat<lipskathe...@yahoo.co.uk>  wrote:
On 04/08/12 16:49, Jean Dubois wrote:

I'm looking for a good introduction to object oriented programming
with Python.

Object Oriented programming is a mindset, a way of looking at that
particular part of our world that you are trying to encapsulate
in computer language. The language you use is (should be) irrelevant.


Learn Python by all means, the interactive mode is particularly fun,just
try and get a good idea of what OO is all about before you start.

I suggest this

Particularly useful if you are a bit drunk on snake-oil

You take out the garbage.
I've got automatic garbage collection


Lipska the Kat: Troll hunter, sandbox destroyer
and farscape dreamer of Aeryn Sun

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