I'm interested in best practice approaches to : decoupling data access code from application code; and translations between database structures and domain objects.
For some time I've done database access by in a particular way and while I think it's OK it's not very pythonic so I'd be interested in hearing of other approaches - even better if there are open source examples whose code might be read. I should say I'm talking relational database here and, for various reasons, ORMs are not involved. So this is what I do (in a one class project call 'bar') in order to allow objects of type foo to be fetched/inserted/updated bar/foo.py bar/bardb/bardbConnection.py bar/bardb/BusinessLogic/fooManager.py bar/bardb/BusinessObject/foo.py bar/bardb/DataAccess/fooDB.py And this is what they actually do : bar/foo.py The class as the outside world knows it bar/bardb/bardbConnection.py Manages database connection bar/bardb/BusinessLogic/fooManager.py Exposes methods used by bar/foo.py such as 'save'/'update' etc and implements necessary validation etc bar/bardb/BusinessObject/foo.py A collection of getters/setters which does any translation between types necessary on the way to/from the rdbms bar/bardb/DataAccess/fooDB.py Implements the actual SQL necessary for the relevant interactions with the database As I say this works OK for me but I'd be interested to hear of what others do. Thanks Richard. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list