Hi all This error has been bugging me for days. I know it's minor, but it's really getting in the way of my programming. I'm programming a data analysis programme for a psychology experiment which takes pickled data from the experiment and produces averages. For some reason python is insisting there is an indentation error on line 18. I have untabified and retabified and nothing seems to work. Here is the full code:
import cPickle, pickle print 'WELLCOME TO THE LIBET CLOCK EXPERIMENT DATA ANALYSIST' file=raw_input('\nPLEASE ENTER THE NAME OF THE FILE YOU WISH TO ANALYSE: ') pickle_file=open(file, 'r') data=cPickle.load(pickle_file) file_name=file-'pck' + 'txt' partifipant_info=data'Participant Info'] first_block_data=data['First block data'] second_block_data=data['Second block data'] first_block_estimates=first_block_data['Estimated times'] first_block_times=first_block_data['Actual times'] second_block_estimates=second_block_data['Estimated times'] second_block_times=second_block_data['Actual times'] def firstBlockDifferences(): print '\nCALCULATING AVERAGE DIFFERENCES FOR BLOCK 1' count=0 first_block_differences=[] total=0 while count<len(first_block_estimates): differences=float(first_block_estimates[count])-float(first_block_times[count]) if differences >= 180: differences-=360 elif differences <=-180: differences+=360 total+=differences differences=[differences] first_block_differences+=differences count+=1 average_diff_first_block=total/len(first_block_estimates) text_file.write('\nAverage differences for block 1: ', average_diff_first_block) def secondBlockDifferences(): print '\nCALCULATING AVERAGE DIFFERENCES FOR BLOCK 2' count=0 second_block_differences=[] total=0 while count<len(second_block_estimates): differences=float(second_block_estimates[count])-float(second_block_times[count]) if differences >= 180: differences-=360 elif differences <=-180: differences+=360 total+=differences differences=[differences] second_block_differences+=differences count+=1 average_diff_second_block=total/len(second_block_estimates) text_file.write('\nAverage differences for block 2: ', average_diff_second_block) text_file=open(file_name, 'w') text_file.write('\nParticipant info: ', participant_info) firstBlockDifferences() secondBlockDifferences() I apologise for the lack of annotation and it may be a little inefficient, but I am really only after a solution to the error on line 18. Thanks. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list