
I'm trying to use the docx package to generate documents containing some text 
and tables.

I don't want to install any module since I just want my coworkers to copy a 
directory and run a script, without installing tons of softwares (Just 
python2.7 which is already installed).

First, I downloaded docx package, copied the docx directory I found. Then, I 
added its path (sys.path.append())

But it complained it missed a lxml package. Ok, I downloaded it, copied the 
lxml directory.

This time, it wanted a etree.py file. I search and found it is generated during 
installation... But I don't want to install it ! I searched again, and found 
that anyway, even if I install it to get this file, it will need other 
libraries... At this point, I already lost too much time, so I quit. It's way 
too much work for what I have to do.

[My questions :]

- Do you know any *easy to use*, *easy to deploy* package to generate ".doc 
like" documents ?
- Do you have any suggestion to do it differently (maybe with native packages ?)

- As a python newby, I don't understand why you have to go through the pain of 
installing packages since they should be able to work with just the __init__.py 
files ? 



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