You can do this with one subprocess.Popen and some python commands. The alternative is to pipe some subprocess.Popen commands together.
Or for the quick way out (but I think you better stick with bash scripting then): Don't know about it's stability/ubs/etc, never used it. -----Original message----- From:Vikas Kumar Choudhary <> Sent:Mon 30-07-2012 09:34 Subject:Linux shell to python; Dear friends, I just joined the group. I was trying porting from bash shell to python. let me know if someone has tried to implement (grep and PIPE) shell commands in python `lspci | grep Q | grep "$isp_str1" | grep "$isp_str2" | cut -c1-7' I tried to use python subprocess and OS.Popen modules. Thanks & Regard's Vikas Kumar Choudhary (Yahoo,MSN-Hotmail,Skype) Messenger = vikas.choudhary Please Add Me in Your Messenger List for Better Communication P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail Do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary. Save papers, Save tree. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged, this is for the intended recipients only. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete the message and notify me immediately; you should not copy or use it for any purpose, nor disclose its contents to any other person. Notice: All email and instant messages (including attachments) sent to or from This E-mail id , may be retained, monitored and/or reviewed, or authorized law enforcement personnel, without further notice or consent. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --