On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 2:48 PM, John Ladasky
<john_lada...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 1:40:45 AM UTC-7, Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I just had an idea, it occurred to me that the pass statement is pretty
>> similar to the print statement, and similarly to the print() function,
>> there could be a pass() function that does and returns nothing.
> I had very similar thoughts about eight months ago, and posted them here:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/comp.lang.python/CB_5fek2b8A
> I'm no computer science guru, but the idea that pass should be a function 
> rather than a statement continues to appeal to me.  As you can see, I 
> actually wrote just such a function so that I could use it as an argument in 
> my code.

As long as 1) the name can't be reassigned (like None) and 2) the
compiler is able to optimize it out when used by itself as a statement
(to avoid incurring the expense of a common but pointless name
lookup), then I kind of agree.  The added complexity of those two
restrictions detracts a bit from the appeal to elegance, though.

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