> Hi,
> I'm writing a program which requires the use of three serial ports and
> one parallel port.  My application has a scanning devices on each port,
> which I can access fine with pyserial.  However, I'm unsure of how
> exactly I should be designing the program, I thought I could use
> threading to start class:
> class scanner(Thread):
>         def __init__(self,port):
>                 Thread.__init__(self)
>                 self.port = port
>         def scan(self):
>                 ser = serial.Serial(port)
>                 print ser.portstr
>                 id = ser.read(12)
>                 ser.close
> But this doesn't work as I thought when I call it like:
> for port in range(0,totalserialports):  # loop through all serial ports
>         print "starting thread for port %d" %(port)
>         NewThread = scanner(port)
>         NewThread.scan()
>         NewThread.start()
> I get:
> starting thread for port 0
> /dev/ttyS0
> Now, I know that I haven't specified any port timeouts, but I don't
> want it to timeout, I want to open each port and keep it open
> indefinately.  Threading seems to block waiting for the read from the
> serial port.  How can I open every serial port at the same time, read
> from it, do an action and then go back to it?  Anyone got any good
> documentation sources for threading that explain things clearly and
> gives examples? (I'm running python 2.3.4)

The problem is not your code (as far as I can see that w/o running it), 
but that you didn't understand the threading API. You have to overload 
the run-method of a Thread object and then start your thread - which 
will result in executing the run method in a separate thread.

Like this:

class Poll(threading.Thread):
      def __init__(self):
          self.running = True

       def run(self):
           while self.running:
               .... # do whatever you want here

for t in [Poll() for i in xrange(3)]:

Apart from that the approach you use is wasting resources - if you are 
concerned about that (or better style...) use e.g. twisted with the 
serial and parallel support and its so-called select reactor. The idea 
behind that concept is that the OS is responsible for scannig IO-Ports. 
It notifies an application about newly arrived data by the system 
function select - which means that your program sits and waits not 
cosuming any resources until actual data arrives. See the module select 
for an overview, and google for "python twisted serial".


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