def main(...): build_id = create_build_id(...) build_stuff return build_id
Suppose build_stuff compiles a C program. It could take days to finish, and notify users their builds are ready. I was thinking about using mutliprocessing to handle the build_stuff. So here is a sample: #!/usr/bin/python import multiprocessing as mp import time def build(): print 'I am building HUGE things' time.sleep(10) def main(): build_p = mp.Process(name='build process', target=build) build_p.start() return 'abcd12345' if __name__ == '__main__': v = main() print v print 'done' Here is output: yeukhon@fermat:~$ python abcd12345 done [now hangs for 10 seconds] I build things When I looked at `ps -elf|grep python`, I can see two processes running, and one of the python process is `wait`. But this is not ideal, especially this is a web app. I can't implement any advanced queue / event system right now (I use Pylon, I believe I have gevent installed). But just with multiprocessing, is it possible to send the id first, while running child in the backgroud? Right now it hangs there as long as the child process is alive. Any solutions? Thanks.