On 18/07/12 15:34, Grant Edwards wrote:
On 2012-07-17, Lipska the Kat<lip...@lipskathekat.com> wrote:
and what's this obsession with 'correct' indentation of code ???
If you can explain to us Java's obsession with 'correct' placemnt of
curly-braces, then you've explained indentation in python.
I'm not getting into the curly braces wars. Life is just too short.
Unless you're asking about the tabs vs. spaces argument. In that
case, people who use 4 spaces per level are 'correct'; people who use
a different number of spaces are a bit less correct; people who use
tabs are wrong;
hmm, I've been using tabs ... still, why use one key press when you can
use 4 ;-). Actually I quite like this aspect of Python, it's rapidly
growing on me. Wonder if I could introduce this in a future release of
Java ... nah, I'd be dead within a week %-(
and people who mix spaces and tabs -- well, we don't
talk about them in polite company.
Lipska the Kat: Troll hunter, Sandbox destroyer
and Farscape dreamer of Aeryn Sun.