On 03/07/2012 16:53, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 1:50 AM, Mark Lawrence <breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
On 03/07/2012 03:25, John O'Hagan wrote:

On Tue, 3 Jul 2012 11:22:55 +1000

I agree to some extent, but as a counter-example, when I was a child there
a subject called "Weights and Measures" which is now redundant because of
Metric system. I don't miss hogsheads and fathoms at all.


I weigh 13st 8lb - does this make me redundant?

Yes, because somewhere in the world is someone who weighs (... pulls
out calculator...) 86kg. After all, the French had a bloody revolution
to get us a new system without any of the old baggage. We don't want
to disappoint the French now, do we!

lemme just dislodge my tongue from my cheek, it seems to be stuck...

If I go to the moon I will weigh 2st 10lb (if my sums are correct :) but the equivalent Frenchman will still be 86kg. I hereby put this forward as proof that the metric system is rubbish and we should revert back to imperial goodies.


Mark Lawrence.


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