Try this..
#!/usr/bin/env python # Upload a file to a FTP server from sys import argv, exit from ftplib import FTP if len(argv) != 6: print 'Incorrect number of parameters' print 'USAGE: <server> <username> <password> <local file> <remote file>' exit(0) server = argv[1] username = argv[2] password = argv[3] upfile = argv[5] downfile = argv[4] try: print 'Connecting to %s' % server ftp = FTP(server) ftp.login(username, password) print 'Connection to %s opened' % server #send file in binary mode to server (STOR command sets remote filename) ftp.storbinary('STOR %s' % upfile, open(downfile,'r')) ftp.quit() print 'File %s uploaded' % upfile except Exception, err: print 'Error uploading file. Error: %s' % err --