Rick, fix your mail reader/sender, your lines aren't wrapping

On Jun 28, 1:53 pm, rantingrickjohn...@gmail.com wrote:
> Unfortunately, even though "print" is supposedly only used by the neophytes, 
> the python<3.0 stdlib is full of print statements. For instance, out of 3173 
> files, 986 contained the word "print"[1]. Heck just in the Lib folder alone 
> (without recusing down sub directories) there are 1352 instances of "print" 
> in a "py" file!

Stefan said "rarely used". Until you count all keywords & built-ins in
those files and provide a relative basis of comparison, you're not
saying anything here.

> Naive Nancy Mused: "If only neophtes use print, and the Python Lib is full of 
> prints statements, then the python developers must be...OH DEAR GAWD!"

It's a good thing there's no open flame around given the sheer number
of strawmen you stuff into your posts.

No one made any such claim about "neophytes", just that logging can be
better than print() as a general debugging tool.

> [1] of course that is when using `filestr.count("print")` -- I assume that 
> the word "print" is not used excessively in comments or docstrings. Someone 
> else can do a less naive search if they like.

So you couldn't even be bothered to do it right, but you're happy to
form a noisy opinion on this crap, and now the onus is on someone else
to correct the ignorance you've pushed onto this list. Again.

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