First, you should be getting an error on vars()[var] = Button(f3, text = "00", bg = "white") as vars() has not been declared and it does not appear to be valid Python syntax. I don't see a reason to store a reference to the button since you won't be modifying them. Also, you can not mix pack() and grid(). It produces unpredictable results.
try: import Tkinter as tk ## Python 2.x except ImportError: import tkinter as tk ## Python 3.x def leftclick(*args): print "leftclick called" def rightclick(*args): print "rightclick called" root = tk.Tk() f3 = tk.Frame(root, bg = "white", width = 500) f3.grid() this_row=0 this_column=0 for ctr in range(0, 89): b = tk.Button(f3, text = "%0d" % (ctr), bg = "white") b.grid(row=this_row, column=this_column) b.bind('<Button-1>', leftclick) # bind left mouse click b.bind('<Button-3>', rightclick) # bind left mouse click this_column += 1 if this_column > 6: this_column=0 this_row += 1 root.title('Puzzle Grid') root.mainloop() --