Adam wrote:
"Paul" <> wrote in message
Adam wrote:
"John Nagle" <> wrote in message
On 6/26/2012 9:12 PM, Adam wrote:
Host OS: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Guest OS: Windows XP Pro SP3
I am able to open port COM4 with Terminal emulator.
So, what can cause PySerial to generate the following error ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 56, in <module>
File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\serial\", line 56,
raise SerialException("could not open port %s: %s" %
serial.serialutil.SerialException: could not open port COM4: [Error 5]
Access is denied.
Are you trying to access serial ports from a virtual machine?
Which virtual machine environment? Xen? VMware? QEmu? VirtualBox?
I wouldn't expect that to work in most of those.
What is "COM4", anyway? Few machines today actually have four
serial ports. Is some device emulating a serial port?
John Nagle
Thanks, and yes, I am using VirtualBox. My laptop does not have a serial
port so
I use a USB-to-serial converter, which is assigned COM4.
Doesn't VirtualBox allow "remapping" serial ports ? I thought you
could have COM 4 in the host OS, and make it COM 1 or COM 2 in
the guest. Something like that.
Also, Windows (as a host), is notorious for stealing control of
COM ports. Even Windows software, when you run it, would report
"COM 4 is busy". Then, you have to track down *why* it's busy.
Is it that FAX software you installed ? The GPS software
that talks to your GPS serial interface ?
In theory, the "Handle" program is supposed to identify what
is keeping a COM port busy, but I don't get the desired
results from it very often. You need to know the naming
convention for virtual COM ports (COM4 via USB to serial, is
more virtual than physical). That's what makes it harder
to track down.
These are some names for COM ports, in Windows. The last two entries,
are my USB to serial adapters. VCP1 functions as COM3.
VCP0 functions as COM4. The VCP part is what would be
listed in "Handle" from Sysinternals. The \device\serial
format, is more likely to be used with true "native"
motherboard serial ports.
ups.exe pid: 1072 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
98: File (---) \Device\VCP0
hypertrm.exe pid: 3404 ComputerName\UserID (claims to use COM3)
E0: File (---) \Device\VCP1
You can download "Handle" and play with it here.
Note that, in my Handle results, at the time I was running
the Windows provided ups.exe to talk to my external UPS
(uninterruptible power supply). So that's what that
reference is. The "hypertrm" one, is me using the
built-in Windows terminal software, to talk to COM3,
to keep the port artificially busy for the purposes
of testing.
If things were working well in your case, you *might*
see something of this form. If not, you'd instead
see the name of the process that has "stolen" the
com port.
virtualbox.exe pid: 1234 ComputerName\UserID
E0: File (---) \Device\VCP0
Thanks (Guru Paul), I've been using the USB-to-serial converter successfully
enabling/remapping via VBox Settings=>Serial Ports (which are both "not"
I can see the serial port COM4 under Device Manager though. So, maybe
enabling is
necessary when the host has "native" serial ports, which my laptop does not
From the output generated by Handle.exe, here's the section for TeraTerm ...
ttermpro.exe pid: 596 VBOX_WINXPPRO\adam (claims to use COM4)
C: File (RW-) D:\downloads\Tera Term Pro\ttpro313
2C: Section \BaseNamedObjects\ttset_memfilemap
44: File (RW-)
54: File (RW-)
70: Section
78: File (RWD) C:\DOCUME~1\adam\LOCALS~1\Temp\IswTmp\Logs\ISWSHEX.swl
AC: Section
100: Section
108: File (RW-) D:\downloads\Tera Term Pro\ttpro313\httplog.log
120: Section
128: Section \BaseNamedObjects\ShimSharedMemory
138: Section \BaseNamedObjects\MSCTF.Shared.SFM.IAB
For Handle to give a positive result, the TeraTerm program would need to
currently have the serial port open. If you haven't started a terminal session,
it might not be listed.
Handle has some kind of filter function, and you can try searching for the name
of the port that way.
I don't see anything in that snipping, which looks like a serial port.