Hi Steven,

On 26.06.12 04:18, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Mon, 25 Jun 2012 23:36:59 +0200, Christian Tismer wrote:

I saw quite a lot of downloads of this package now, but not a single
reaction or any feedback.
Feel fortunate that you are getting any downloads at all :)

In my experience, if you are really lucky, perhaps one in a hundred
people who download a package will comment about it.

Ok, good to know. This is my first little package (funny, eh? Did much
larger things), and this is new to me.

How can I get more than just down-loaders? I would like to know, if

- this module is of use for you
- if there are wishes to get more functionality - if it makes sense at
- if there are feature requests.
You can't force people to comment. Do you have a blog where you can
report new functionality or bug fixes? That might help drive interest.

Good input. I was trying to blog several times, but somehow lost it, again.
Thanks a lot, I will force myself to blog. (but I'm more into email
conversations, maybe doing stuff for too long ? )

If you are writing software for fame and attention, you're in the wrong
industry :)

I assume not, at least I think. I want to do things right, and to
see if they are right or if I'm on the wrong track, that's why I want the 
And I got quite some feedback on Stackless Python, but tiffany is a small niche
project for probably orders of magnitude less people.

BTW, I have no need for your software, but that doesn't mean it isn't a
good and valuable piece of work. Thank you for sharing it with the
community, even if only a few people find it useful.

Thanks for the adjustment. Now I'm feeling fine and will move on to
other targets ;-)

cheers -- Chris

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