Can any image(not for line plot, but for pixel set) lib behaves like a person? that is to say: when we are doing image processing( for exapmle, , the new image maybe have a bigger canvas size than the original image's, and sometimes, nagative coordinate is needed from the math-side viewpoint, Of cause, we can do which by pre-caculating the proper canvas size, coordinate translation in code, but that is tedious Any lib can support some code like followings? thanks
[psedu-code]'RGB', (200,300)) #begin with a canvas size=200*300, so the x is between[0, 199], y is between [0, 299] newImg.putpixel((500, 600), 'black') #the lib expands the canvas automatically, so till now the canvas size=501* 601'fin.jpg', border=(top=10, bottom=20, left=30, right=40)) #size of fin.jpg is (501+30+40)*(601+10+20) [/code] --