Try to use
I don't test it, but there is no problem interact with google services.
22.06.12 17:27, пишет:
On Monday, 9 April 2012 20:24:54 UTC-7, CM wrote:
Shot in the dark here: has any who reads this group been successful
with getting Python to programmatically post an image to Facebook?
I've tried using fbconsole[1] and facepy[2], both of which apparently
work fine for their authors and others and although I have an
authorization code, publish permissions, a Facebook app, I get back
these unhelpful errors when I try this (like "an unknown error
If anyone has been able to do this, maybe you can help me figure out
what I am doing wrong.
Hi, I am not sure, but have a similar question. How can I post (upload) an
image to google images and return the resulting page..? In python?
If you can help I would appreciate it ever so much,