On Thu, 21 Jun 2012 16:19:41 +0100, Rotwang <sg...@hotmail.co.uk>

>Hi all, I'm using Python 2.7.2 on Windows 7 and a module I've written is 
>acting strangely. I can reproduce the behaviour in question with the 
>--- begin bugtest.py ---
>import threading, Tkinter, os, pickle
>class savethread(threading.Thread):
>     def __init__(self, value):
>         threading.Thread.__init__(self)
>         self.value = value
>     def run(self):
>         print 'Saving:',
>         with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'bugfile'), 'wb') as f:
>             pickle.dump(self.value, f)
>         print 'saved'
>class myclass(object):
>     def gui(self):
>         root = Tkinter.Tk()
>         root.grid()
>         def save(event):
>             savethread(self).start()
>         root.bind('s', save)
>         root.wait_window()
>m = myclass()
>--- end bugtest.py ---
>Here's the problem: suppose I fire up Python and type
> >>> import bugtest
>and then click on the Tk window that spawns and press 's'. Then 
>'Saving:' gets printed, and an empty file named 'bugfile' appears in my 
>current working directory. But nothing else happens until I close the Tk 
>window; as soon as I do so the file is written to and 'saved' gets 
>printed. If I subsequently type
> >>> bugtest.m.gui()
>and then click on the resulting window and press 's', then 'Saving: 
>saved' gets printed and the file is written to immediately, exactly as I 
>would expect. Similarly if I remove the call to m.gui from the module 
>and just call it myself after importing then it all works fine. But it 
>seems as if calling the gui within the module itself somehow stops 
>savethread(self).run from finishing its job while the gui is still alive.
>Can anyone help?

Try appending the dump command with f.flush() and os.fsync().

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