Hi All,

  For most of an afternoon I've had that stuck-in-a-dead-end feeling 
probing to no avail all permutations formulating bindings, trying to 
make sense of manuals and tutorials. Here are my bindings:

   label_frame.bind ('<Enter>', self.color_selected)
   label_frame.bind ('<Leave>', self.color_selectable)
   label_frame.bind ('<Button-1><ButtonRelease-1>', self.pick_record)
   label_frame.bind ('<Button-3><ButtonRelease-3>', self.info_profile)

<Enter> and <Leave> work fine. But when I try to select an entered item, 
the moment I push the left or the right button, color_selectable ()
and color_selected () are called again in rapid succession. The same 
effect happens even when I push the middle mouse button which is 
rather weird, because it has no binding. The behavior suggests that 
no event can occur on an entered widget before it is left again and 
if an event other that <Leave> comes in, the <Leave> callback gets 
called automatically. That can't be right, though. It isn't possible 
to click an item without entering it. 
   I put traces in all of the four callbacks. So I know what gets
called an what doesn't. Traces are:

   On <Enter>:
      hit list.color_selected ()
   On <Leave>:
      hit list.color_selectable ()

Fine so far. 

      hit list.color_selected ()            # Still fine
   <Button-1> or <Button-2> or <Button-3>:
      hit list.color_selectable ()          # Not so fine!
      hit list.color_selected ()
   <ButtonRelease-1> (or -2 or -3)

Thanks for any suggestion


OS: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Python: sys.version: 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 16 2010, 13:09:56) [GCC 4.4.3]
Tkinter: VERSION 73770 (help (Tkinter), last line)


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