Kent Johnson wrote:
> William Gill wrote:
>> I am trying to get & set the properties of a widget's parent widget. 
>> What I have works, but seems like a long way around the block.  First 
>> I get the widget name using w.winfo_parent(), then i convert the name 
>> to a reference using nametowidget().
>>   self.nametowidget(event.widget.winfo_parent()).hasChanged= True
> Personally I think it is bad design for a widget to assume anything 
> about its enclosing environment. What about passing a StringVar or 
> IntVar to the child widget and letting it work with that?
> Kent

I stumbled across the widget.master attribute.  so

     self.nametowidget(event.widget.winfo_parent()).hasChanged = True

can be re-written as

     self.master.hasChanged = True

I thought I was doing things the indirect way.

Thanks everyone for your help.

I'm still interested in if anyone thinks this is "bad practice", and why.


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