Hi, There are many options for writing desktop GUI applications with Python and I'd like to explore some of them. However, to do this I need to be able to test various Python 3.x X GUI toolkit y.z combinations.
With PyQt4 this is easy. (Example given at the end.) I'd like to be able to do the same with other Python GUI toolkits. - For PyGObject (PyGtk's successor) it seems that you have to do a local build of Gtk+ and the PyGObject. I've tried and failed on this. (And even if I'd succeeded, I don't see how to do this for local Pythons.) - I haven't tried this for wxPython (& anyway they don't seem to have a Python 3 version). - I've also failed to do this for Tcl/Tk (as per my posting "Use a locally built Tk for Python?". It is easy to build local versions of Tcl/Tk using --prefix; but I don't see how to make the Python build process use a locally built Tcl/Tk. - I haven't tried this for PySide. Has anyone else succeeded for any of these? Surely they must have; otherwise how could they test their PyGObject/wxPython/Tkinter applications? I'd appreciate suggestions/links. Thanks! Example: build two Python 3.2s one with Qt 4.7 and one with Qt 4.8: - Build local pythons, e.g., ./configure --prefix=/home/me/opt/py32qt47 ./configure --prefix=/home/me/opt/py32qt48 - Build local Qts, e.g., ./configure --prefix=/home/me/opt/qt47 ./configure --prefix=/home/me/opt/qt48 - Build PyQts specifying which Python & Qt to use, e.g., /home/me/opt/py32qt47/bin/python3 configure.py --qmake=/home/me/opt/ qt47/bin/qmake /home/me/opt/py32qt48/bin/python3 configure.py --qmake=/home/me/opt/ qt48/bin/qmake This makes it easy to test PyQt GUI applications. And, of course, if a user reports a problem with some other combination, it is easy (if time consuming) to create a matching combination to test. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list