rusi wrote: > .... > Any specific tips will of course be welcome < but also the general idea > -- is android really python friendly (yet)?
You might take a look at Kivy .... "It is built with Cython ( C extensions for Python ) and, in order to create apps, Python knowledge is required. The platforms currently supported are Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and Android." The gallery is impressive .... I have very limited experience with Kivy using Debian Linux as the development platform and installing a couple of simple demo apps on an ArchOS tablet running Android ICS .... Back at the first of this month I had problems trying to build android packages using the newest versions of the android sdk / ndk packages on Debian .... Advice at the time was to drop back a version and try again or wait for kivy versioning to catch up a bit .... -- Stanley C. Kitching Human Being Phoenix, Arizona --