Here is my SS:  259 71 2451

On May 26, 2012, at 8:43 AM, Roy Smith <> wrote:

> In article <Vi6wr.735287$2R.344847@fx19.am4>,
> duncan smith <> wrote:
>> On 25/05/12 23:38, Jon Clements wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Normally use Google Groups but it's becoming absolutely frustrating - not 
>>> only has the interface changed to be frankly impractical, the posts are 
>>> somewhat random of what appears, is posted and whatnot. (Ironically posted 
>>> from GG)
>>> Is there a server out there where I can get my news groups?
>> If you don't mind paying a small fee there are several companies 
>> providing usenet access such as (I didn't have 
>> much joy trying to track down a reliable free service, so now I pay a 
>> few pounds a year.)
>> Duncan
> I use  For $100/year, I get mail, news, and unix shell 
> access.  By some measures, it's an expensive way to get mail access, but 
> I'd much rather give Panix $100 than take advantage of any of the free 
> mail services who does who-knows-what with my mail.  Not to mention that 
> I get access to such private newsgroups as panix.nytel.abuse.
> -- 

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