Terry Hancock wrote:
> Of course, since children are vastly better at learning
> than adults, perhaps adults are stupid to do this. ;-)

Take learning a language.  I'm learning Swedish.  I'll
never have a native accent and 6 year olds know more
of the language than I do.  But I make much more
complicated sentences than 6 year olds.  (Doesn't mean
they are grammatically correct, but I can get my point
across given a lot of time.)

> Quantum mechanics notwithstanding, I'm not sure there
> is a "bottom" "most-reduced" level of understanding. It's
> certainly not clear that it is relevant to programming.

I agree.  That's why I make this thread branch.  I think
learning is often best taught from extending what you know
and not from some sort of top/bottom approach. I'm also
one who bristles at hierarchies.  Maybe that's why I like
Python and duck typing. :)

Some learning works by throwing yourself in the deep end.
Languages are sometimes learned that way.  The Suzuki method
extends that to music, though that's meant for kids.

> Python is actually remarkably good at solving things in a
> nearly optimal way.

Have you read Richard Gabriel's "Worse is Better" essay?
Section "2.2.4 Totally Inappropriate Data Structures"
relates how knowing the data structure for Lisp affects
the performance and seems relevant to your point.

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