Hi ya,

Please don't attack me or pull me into the centre of this conflict... I don't 
have any idea of what is really happening here; other than that I've read on 
the python-list mailing list.  Your right, I have never released any code, 
under any license of any description. I have only offered snippets of code to 
people/projects to be used as they see fit (besides my professional 
developments and private projects.)

All I did was to answer a mail sent to me by Ian Kelly (who I don't konw nor 
have ever had any prior contact with) about releasing code under a license... 
And, what I said stands: once anyone releases code, they are bound by the 
license they released it under as much as anyone else that may use it and 
cannot then withdraw that code from the domain they released it to (except by 
maybe creating a new and different version.)

Being dyslexic, my message (and this one) may not be worded in the best way but 
that is no reason to start on me!

Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 22:56:43 -0300
From: ricar...@gmail.com
To: cybor...@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: Open Source: you're doing it wrong - the Pyjamas hijack

    On 09/05/12 20:04, Adrian Hunt wrote:
        Hi Ian,


        Well there you have me... You release code under a license, you
        bound by it even if later you think better of it...  Seller be


    Sorry, but you are not being accurate. 

    "You" don't release code under a license, James Tauber did, or the
    Google Web Toolkit did. So you are in no positon to "think better of
    it" even if it was allowed to the original releaser.



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